Monday, September 18, 2006

Waking up from a nap is FUN!!

Self Feeding

Like most things we've taught her to do, the self feeding has gone right out the window. One day she can say 10 different words, shake her head no, and wave bye bye. Then the next she grunts like a newborn. Same thing with using a spoon. One day she was using it like a natural and then the next...well I'll let the photos speak for themselves. Another parent lesson to learn: a task learned is not always a task remembered!

First Day of Child's Day Out

Katie Jo started Child's Day out at our church a couple of weeks ago. She goes for a few hours two days a week. This gives her a chance to socialize with toddlers her own age and I can use the time to run errands, go to appointments, and sometimes clean the house! While she's there she goes to the gym to stretch and play games, she has music and sings songs, and they eat lunch. So far she has loved it and has gotten good reports from her teacher Mrs. Gail.

Catch up photos

This photo shows Katie Jo's new favorite spot: the pillow stack in our bedroom. She loves to lay down and watch a Baby Einstein video.

Here she is holding on for dear life like a monkey!

I love this picture because she looks like such a little girl.

This was the day Ernesto hit. Katie Jo ate lunch in the open door waiting for it to come. It never did!

Ernesto might not have hit hard but he brought plenty of rain. We made the best of it by playing in the puddles.

These last two photos show Katie Jo trying on her Daddy's shoes. She just loved trying to walk around in them which didn't work out too well in her favor!

Running down the nature trail

Putting on Daddy's shoes

Jumping on the bed!

New Video