Saturday, December 09, 2006

Well this month got off to a POSITIVE start!

Well, today (Nov. 5th) I confirmed what I had suspected for the last couple of days, I'm pregnant again. At first, it didn't seem real and I wasn't sure how to feel. I didn't have a lot of time to spare for those thoughts since the PREGNANCY read out on the test didn't last more than an hour and Jay wasn't home for me to tell. So I grabbed the camera and took a picture of the results. When he got home I had the camera sitting out and told him I had taken a really funny picture of Katie Jo and he just had to see it. When he turned the camera on it was the first picture that came up and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked up and said "Are you kidding me?" I think he was a little stunned and his financial wheels started turning. We stood in the kitchen for a few minutes and babbled about who knows what while we tried to wrap our minds around this. Once the initial shock wore off we hugged and both agreed that we were excited just a little blown away!!
After dinner I gave Katie Jo a bath and as I looked at her having a good time I realized how nice it will be for her to have a sibling joining her and watching them both together. This idea of another baby in the house will take a little getting used to but I plan to think of all the positives to look forward to. Now we just have to figure out when to tell people, how to pay for it, when we'll get Katie Jo moved to a toddler bed, will she be potty trained before the next arrival, and will we ever feed all the hungry in the world. No worries though we're having a baby!!

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