Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Last night we went trick or treating with our friends. Katie Jo had an awesome time running from house to house. She did so well with saying "Trick or Treat" and then "Thank you." Several times she asked for more candy which I would have been embarrassed by except that she's three. I was glad to have other children with us since that made things more fun. Georgia didn't go since she had a runny nose and it was pretty cold out.

Sloan, Katie Jo and Baby Bop/Reilly Kaye

Notice the little sad child standing at the door.

I carved it thank you very much.

This was the view I had most of the night.

I love how Sloan has the protective hand on her back!

This was the last house after tick or treating for over an hour.

Sitting on the front porch after all the festivities eating the one piece of candy we let her have. She choose the sucker which I thought was smart since it lasted the longest. She's crafty that way!

Here's all the candy she brought home. We'll still have it until Easter I'm sure.


Lydia said...

They are too cute. I love their costumes.

Our Tiger Cubs said...

Katie Jo is such the southern girl! Love the cowgirl costume! Georgia is a cute little lady bug. Glad you guys had a happy Halloween!!