Friday, August 14, 2009

Purple Monsters

Thanks Jenn for the colored bath tablet idea!

The girls loved their colored bath and from a teacher's stand point this is a wonderful way to teach children about mixing primary colors. Katie Jo remembered how to make purple and a few days later we made green. Such fun! Go out and buy these wonderful little tablets. I got mine at Wal Mart.

Don't let KJ's face fool you. She's just in that "I'm four and too busy to smile for a picture" phase!

Is it just me or does Georgia's hair remind you of the cowardly lion BEFORE he went into the beauty salon?


Jan Walker said...

Amber, I love the above picture of the girls. I have one on my refrig that your mother gave me.

Kelly said...

That looks like so much fun! And it didn't stain? Where did they come from?

Amber said...

It didn't stain at all. I bought them at Walmart. They were with the bubble bath items.