Monday, August 16, 2010

Katie Jo's First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Katie Jo's first day of real school. She can now call herself a kindergartner. She is getting up early, eating in a cafeteria, seeing how a smart board works, and riding the bus home. I mean, how much better could it get? Here are some highlights from today and her notes of what went down.
Woke up at 6:15
She showered (how cool is that?) per her request
Dressed, ate, and gathered up book bag and goods
Dad and Georgia joined us for the ride to school
Family walked her in for the goodbyes and watched her very easily adapt to her new surroundings
Here are Katie Jo's highlights:
went to Art and the teacher was young
sat at their table for snack
went to the lunchroom (every time I say cafeteria she says Huh?) and ate her lunch with no talking. she said some people had to eat tray food because they didn't bring their lunch from home.
the teacher had to put some students bees in the pot to remind them to be better listeners
she saw her friend Reilly Kaye and Katie
she made a new friend, Olivia, that sits at her table
saw the playground and it was huge but couldn't play on it because it was wet from the rain
three boys heard it start raining
she earned three bee bucks for being a good listener!
She came off the bus at 2:34 and looked like a ragamuffin with her bow astray and her hair matted to her forehead.
She loved the bus and said she got to sit beside a girl that was also five.

All in all we call this one a victory!

Georgia and I were kind of lost today. We didn't have a schedule which was nice but also a little daunting. We ended up getting out and looking for leotards for gymnastics. It was nice to only drag one child in and out of the car and in to a store. We ate lunch together, snuggled on the couch to watch a movie and colored. We'll have to start being a little more productive but it rained today so we cut ourselves some slack.

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