Thursday, November 08, 2007


On Halloween Katie Jo and I sat on the front porch and decorated our pumpkin with the cute toys Mia sent. We turned him into a dog and a cat then we mixed it up and gave him multiple eyes and no mouth. Katie Jo had such fun rearranging the face parts. Mr. Potato Head for Christmas anyone? Georgia had fun watching in her recalled Bumbo! How can the greatest invention for babies be recalled? Ridiculous! I'll step down from my box now.

Putting a face to the pumpkin
Pumpkins can be so two faced!
Couldn't you just eat her up?
I'm pretty sure this wasn't on purpose.
And of course once Katie Jo saw Georgia do it she had to too!
Sweet smiling faces.
I love my sister!
So serious!

1 comment:

The Browns said...

So cute!