Thursday, November 08, 2007

Trick or Treating

Wednesday night we took the girls out trick or treating. This was Katie Jo's first time ever trick or treating in our neighborhood. Every year before our church has had a festival and we've gone to that. This year they decided not to have one and cancel Wednesday services so we were left to our own devices. Katie Jo had a great time going from house to house with her pumpkin. We had practiced earlier on how to knock on the door and then say "Trick or Treat" when they came to the door. She got it pretty down pat and started saying it while she ran through the yard to the first house. After that she wasn't so vocal except for saying thank you after getting her treat. When we got home we sat on the front porch and gave out candy to the rest of the treaters. Katie Jo really loved this part and it was my first lesson in teaching your child it's better to give than receive. She really taught me though. I loved seeing the joy it gave her to put candy in to each person's bag and she wasn't selfish with it at all. For a two year old to give away candy without protest is something in itself but to do it over and over was something of a miracle! :) I think we could have given candy out all night and never left the house and she wouldn't have known the difference.
We also found out that scary costumes up close are not a good mix with a two year old. She was so scared when the first group of bigger kids came up and one was in a truly scary costume. She started backing up the steps taking the bowl of candy with her. I told her it was just a person dressed up and the treater even took her mask off to show her. Katie Jo was not entirely convinced and reluctantly gave her the candy. Afterwards I mentioned that we had seen a big booger and after that she wouldn't let it go. She kept saying, "Big Booger hurt Katie Jo" and "Big Booger scare Katie Jo." I kept reassuring her she'd be fine but when Jay put her to bed she asked him the same questions. We were afraid she might have nightmares about it but thankfully it was forgotten and has not been mentioned since.
I also want to mention that we had one group of trick or treaters with several children and a few adults that came to our house all carrying bags. After we gave candy to the kids I look up to see the adults push forward with back packs open for Katie Jo to drop candy in. I was appalled to say the least. We gave it to them and sent them on their merry way since they did not look to be the friendliest of folk and I didn't want Katie Jo to see her mom get beat up for refusing them their right to sugar.
Yes, there is just one photo from this crazy night. Enjoy!


Lydia said...

They're so cute. We had the flower costume too. That's neat that she had fun giving out candy when most kids that age want to keep it all.

Alli said...

I can just imagine the look on your face when you saw the adult's backpacks open waiting for candy. What a trip.

Kelly said...

I love your new title picture!!! Hod did you do that???