Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Real Trooper

A couple of Saturday's ago Katie Jo had a little accident. From what I could piece together since I didn't see it Katie Jo was trying to carry Georgia down the hall to her room. She lost her footing and fell forward knocking the side of her face on the stair banister. I actually heard the fall and the cries after but thought they all belonged to Georgia. So, of course, I ran to scoop up Georgia and looked over at Katie Jo to see a stream of blood running down her face. She had a pretty nasty gash but not so bad to warrant a hospital visit. I was by myself and was quickly trying to decide how to handle it if we did have to go to the hospital. What a mess we would have been in. Katie Jo only cried for about two minutes and the bleeding stopped pretty quickly so I knew it wasn't too bad. I couldn't believe what a trooper she was. If it had been me I would have been so foul from the pain but once the initial hurt wore off she was fine. By now it has almost completely healed and we're ready for our next fiasco!

1 comment:

Amy Wallace said...

I too have wondered what in the world I would do if I had to go the hospital with both! Thank goodness for strollers! Your girls are so the blue eyes! No hope for those in the Wallace house...I miss you Amber!