Monday, March 30, 2009

Holy Crib Batman, This Can't Be Happening!

A few months back Jay asked me if I thought we'd need to move Georgia out of the crib into a bed soon. After staring at him blankly trying to processes the rationalization behind that thought I finally replied, "I think I'll leave her in there until she starts Kindergarten as long as she doesn't climb out." I meant it. I didn't want to face moving her into a bed for as long as I possibly could.

That time ended Saturday night.

By the way, she's 20 months old.

In one fatal swoop she learned to climb out of her crib, pull out the drawers in order to make a ladder to the top of the dresser, and open doors using the knob.

Saturday night she was up till ten climbing out of her crib. It was too late to take the crib down when she first started climbing out and I don't know why I didn't just take her mattress out of the crib and put it on the floor except for shock and denial! She finally fell asleep and we put a gate on her door so she couldn't get out. We don't shut her door and we have 15 straight down stairs outside her door so the gate keeps her safe. When she woke up the next morning she climbed out of her crib and played in her room. I could hear her in there taking apart puzzles and dragging toys all over the room.

Yesterday we took the front piece off her crib and attached a bed rail. I also raised her crib so we could add the crib skirt back. It looks semi grown up but not too much! She slept that way last night and did very well.

Today for nap time she started in her bed with a book and played quiet for a few minutes then she started getting loud but was still in her bed. I went to the door and said, "Not so loud." She sat down and all was well. A few minutes later it was quiet so I checked. This time her door was shut. I love that she got out of her bed and shut her door so I wouldn't "know" she was out of the bed. She was playing sweetly in the floor but I put her back in the bed and said she had to sleep. Not two minutes later she was lights out. Don't you just love this about children? She was tired but still playing. The playing didn't mean she wasn't tired but was what SHE wanted to do. As soon as I told her what was best she listened. I shepherded her down the right path just like God does with us. Do we always listen? No but he knows best. Same with parenting. What a responsibility we have. REVELATION!

Like most transitions is way worse for us than her. She's really taken to her new sleeping arrangement and is doing well with staying in her bed. I'm sure there will be some setbacks but for now it's working out pretty well. Down the road we'll put the girls in a room together but for now this is enough change!

Oh, and don't worry about the dresser being used as a ladder. We bungee corded the knobs so they can't be opened by anyone except for us. **UPDATE** I ended up taking off the knobs because the cords were going to be a huge nuisance. Hopefully this will be fool proof. Or she may just end up showing us who the fool is! :)

Last night in the crib

First night in the new toddler daybed


Megan said...

Yes - my advice to you is tackle one thing at a time!! She's doing great, though, and I know you're relieved! She's so sweet sleeping in her new bed. Keep us posted!

Amy Wallace said...

So sweet! A big girl bed! The boy's LOVE sharing a room!! When we talk about moving so they can each have their own room I laugh because I am sure they will end up in the same room! I love to tip toe upstairs and listen to their conversations!

The Hollis Family said...

I am so dreading this exact thing! The door to Kara's room is right at the top of our flight of 15 stairs. Praise God she has not escaped her crib just yet; however, the winds of change are blowing... she will be two in three weeks, and she is more like a climbing monkey everyday. I'm going to borrow your vanishing drawer knob trick! Georgia is one cute little escape artist!

Lydia said...

Ah... to cute. I'm dreading this too. Emma Kate is starting to put her leg over, but she hasn't gotten out yet. She's upstairs too.
Madison was nineteen-months when he climbed out. I was in Nicaragua and mom heard a door close. He climbed out and hid in the closet and was laughing. :)