Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Weekend Part Three

Easter afternoon, after church, we went by my grandparent's house to do a few pics while we were dressed up. We didn't get very far since the girls were ready to play and all but we managed a few cute shots.

My Dad, Mom and Brother, Brian, with the girls
My grandparents, parents, and Brian with the girls

Georgi, Katie Jo and cousins Meghan and Claire
After we changed clothes we played, ate a huge lunch, egg hunted, played more and then left late that afternoon. Katie Jo and Meghan had such a great time playing together. They are only a few months apart and soon Georgia and Claire will be able to play together too since they're only three months apart. I look forward to them growing up together! We had a great day but I was so tired I could have died.

This is Georgia's new "surprised" face

Meghan, Katie Jo and Georgia playing with the bubble machine

Claire and Katie Jo

Jay and I didn't get any pics together while we were still dressed up but this one will do, even if the sun was directly in our eyes!

Pretty girl in front of some flowers that matched her dress.

My grandmother made this bunny cake and the kids were delighted!

Egg hunting with Uncle Brian and Pop

Ok, so at one point I walk out back and see my grandmother's neighbor talking to Jay and my cousin Eric and his wife Carla. Then I notice that Jay is holding a squirrel! It was a baby squirrel that she had befriended. I didn't get the whole story but watching that squirrel climb around was something else. Everyone got a chance to hold it and pet it. Katie Jo and Georgia LOVED it! That is an Easter memory I will not soon forget.

Mama and Georgia

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