Sunday, June 25, 2006

Vacation Bible School June 12-16th

Well we had VBS at our church and boy was it exciting. We learned about the Arctic and having courage. I made a shaker bottle with rice, confetti and beads. Mrs. Kayci my teacher took some photos of me and my friends so we'd always remember this week. She took a funny picture of me just for my momma to put on the fridge. Momma had put me in an outfit buttoned up to my chin and the ladies in the nursery thought I was quite a site looking like I was wearing a straight jacket of sorts. I was just glad when they unbuttoned me a little and I could breathe again. I guess Momma was in a hurry that mornin thinking about teaching those fourth graders!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie Jo,
Maybe you and I could start a club for kids whose Mommies like to dress them in uncomfortable clothes. Ha ha.