Monday, January 22, 2007

Preggers update 15 weeks

Well I'm now 15 weeks along and everything is going just swell. Last week I detected a few fluttering movements and everyday since about Thursday I have felt distinct baby movements. It usually comes at night when I'm cozied up on the couch.

I still have several things I'm having to stay away from: coffee, orange juice, steak, and seafood. That's a little different than last time with Katie Jo. It'll be interesting to see if it last the whole time or tapers off in the next few weeks.

No belly shots yet but I can definitely see a difference. I'm starting to wear some of my maternity clothes since regular ones just don't feel good. Sometimes I look like a hobo in these big ole' clothes but I'd rather be comfortable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being in your 2nd trimester! Time flies by when you have an older baby, doesn't it? I felt movement much earlier with #2 too and it's so much fun to feel them move around! Hope your nausea will go away soon! GL and see ya soon! Jess & Fam