Thursday, October 09, 2008

15 Months

Georgia is already 15 months and I felt like I just wrote the 14th month update last week!

The biggest milestone this past month is her vocabulary. She has really started communicating. She can now say Wiggles, Dora, Katie Jo, bye, mama, and sometimes more. We started signing with her and so far she uses the sign for more, thank you and please. It's the cutest thing ever.

She is moving much faster on her feet and sometimes her movement would best be described as a lumbering jog! She is still going up and down the stairs on her own as much as we'll let her. And she now LOVES to climb into one of the kitchen chairs and stand. It makes her feel grown up I suppose.

Shoes! Oh my gosh how this child loves shoes. I wonder where in the world she got that from? She will get shoes and try to put them on herself. If they are Katie Jo's she is usually successful. It's amazing to watch. Then she prances around like she's hot stuff!

That's all I can think of for now. I'm tired and must go to bed! Georgia's a precious site and I could just eat her up every day.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

She's so cute and getting so big. That's neat that she's signing. We are having fun with it.