Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Getting back to normal

We're just about back to normal this week! We went in for KJ's visit last Friday at MUSC and she was deemed in good condition. Since then we've just been trying to get back into a routine again and I've been trying to get the house back in working order. I think the aftermath of a hospital stay is worse than the actual stay. Time stands still when you're there and then when you get home you realize life kept going and you have to jump back in. I haven't taken a lot of pics but here are a few.

Here's little sweetie digging around in the cabinet for a snack. Here are our two girls partaking in a Capri Sun.

Saturday we went to the corner pumpkin patch and let the girls pick out a pumpkin. They each got one just their size.

As for Katie Jo's healing she is done with her medicine (insert a "Praise the Lord!" here) and has just a few physical spots that are still healing. The doctor said she'd peel for awhile and so we've just moved about as if we're 100%. It doesn't seem to bother her and as long as she's not in pain I feel grateful!


Pockets and Shoes said...

How about a, "Thank you, Jesus!" I have been prayed for Katie Jo! God is SO good!

Michelle said...

I am glad Katie Jo is finally better! I love these pictures!