Tuesday, February 04, 2014

A Tribute

Jay's sweet grandfather passed away yesterday and though we mourn the loss of a great man we rejoice in the life he led and the faith that he upheld.
Legacy is defined as "something being handed down by a predecessor."  When I think of Mr. Stansell and his legacy I see it as a living, continuing effort through Jay.  Mr. Stansell spent a great deal of time with Jay taking him to Clemson games, a trip to Disney World, imparting wisdom and advice and leading by example.  I see so many of the benefits of their relationship in Jay today.  I know that many of the character traits that Jay displays as a husband and a father are a direct result of his relationship with his grandfather.  I can think of no better way to honor the memory of someone than by living your life with the blessings that they bestowed onto you.
I am grateful for the time that I knew Mr. Stansell and the impact he had on our family.  

Weeping through our loss will turn to joy through our memories

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