Saturday, May 26, 2007

Pregnancy Update 32 weeks

Well last Thursday, May 17th, I had another doc appointment. I gained a couple of more pounds and was up to 122. My blood pressure was 100 over 60 and as far as I know that sounds fine by me. I am not showing any signs of swelling yet which is nice considering by this point with Katie Jo I believed I'd had to quit wearing my rings. Hopefully that will hold out a few more weeks. I'm feeling good but a little slower. The baby's heart rate was a steady 158. We had our 30 week ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and everything checked out as normal. It was still a girl as far as they could tell and now I feel confident in putting in the new bedding for the crib.
My neighbor and I still are continuing our daily walks and I figure if I can still carry on a conversation by the end then I'm doing OK. I have stepped up the water intake since we're nearing the end of this pregnancy and it is getting hotter outside. Starting next week our neighborhood pool officially opens during the week and I am really looking forward to enjoying that each day. Besides that there isn't much else to report. I'll have to say I've felt blessed, as of late, to of had such a great pregnancy thus far. I can't believe it's only 5-7 weeks away. We still have a few loose ends to tie up but I'm sure it'll all get done.
Here I am at 33 weeks!

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