Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pregnancy update 34 weeks

Today I had another doc appointment and weighed in at 123.5 lbs. This was a pound and half gain from two weeks ago. The baby's heartbeat was 150. That was about all for today. I go again in two weeks and then every week after that.

We got our new bedding in the crib and today I straightened up her room. We still have a few odds and ends to cover before it is ready. I guess in a couple more weeks I'll get out all the 0-3 clothes we had for Katie Jo along with blankets and burp cloths. Won't be long now and we'll be packing a hospital bag and counting down.

I still feel reasonably good. It's harder to get comfortable on the couch or in a chair. I can still sleep well at night and am able to take a little nap everyday when KJ is asleep. Besides that we are staying busy and keeping out of the ever increasing heat.

Katie Jo enjoyed getting in the baby's crib today with all her stuffed animals. She thought it was a real treat to sit and play while I cleaned and she could see so much since the mattress is moved back to the highest level. We'll see how she feels when another person is in there.

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