Monday, August 20, 2007

It was bound to happen

The bumbo seat has to be just about the greatest baby invention ever. When Katie Jo was a baby I stumbled onto it but didn't get one until she was five months which was almost a little too late. Well this time I am just itching to use it with Georgia and can't wait until she is stable enough to sit in it. Today I found a tray to attach for playing and snacking when we were at Target. I couldn't believe it! Just the perfect accessory for the perfect seat!


Alli said...

Love the Bumbo! I used Megan McAdams McCravy's and it was such a blessing! I think I thanked her about 10 times for letting me use theirs. Enjoy the tray. I hear it's a great accessory.

Kelly said...

I have GOT to get that tray!!!