I got very behind in blogging during December so I put together a post with all our events from the past month.
I just can't resist a picture of the girls sleeping.
In what had to be a moment of insanity I volunteered to host Jay's company party at our home. It was the first weekend in December so it made us have to decorate quick and once it was over I felt like we could sit back and enjoy the rest of the holiday season. We had about 20 or so people from his two offices come and it was a lot of fun. Here is a picture of me and Kayci. Sometimes I feel like we are co-bloggers since she is in so many of my pictures but she is a really good friend and her husband still does loans for Good Faith Mortgage so they were here for the party.
Katie Jo and Georgia had their MOMS club party at Celebration Town. Both girls enjoyed the jump houses and we went home very pooped.
This was the first year I felt like I could do projects and not totally lose my mind. I found a gingerbread house kit at the grocery store and thought, "Why not." It was pretty easy and Katie Jo loved helping. Georgia loved watching from the confines of her booster seat!
Aunt Joni came by one day and we were able to get some semi-cute pics of her with both girls. It is usually one or the other since they won't sit still so this was a rare moment.
Katie Jo had her musical for preschool and I begged her to sing. She normally just stands there with a blank stare on her face. I asked her one time why she wouldn't sing and she told me it was because she wanted to sing by herself. Nice. So the morning of I asked her if she was going to sing and she said, "Just 10 Little Angels." I said that would do. When her class came out she was so excited to see me and she proved she spoke the truth that morning, she sang "10 Little Angels" through most of the musical! :)
We had our Sunday School party the second weekend in December and here is a shot with my friend Kayci (surprise surprise), myself and Dina.
The second weekend in December I also had a very special baby shower to attend. This is my friend Juli from College of Charleston. She is having her first baby at the end of this month and I was so glad to see her. She was glowing and looked so beautiful.
Lastly, these are a couple of shots of KJ with our Camellia bush and a cute one of her running in the yard.
Oops, a couple more. I took these while she was on the tire swing. I held the camera so it would shoot through the bottom so I could get her face with the sky above her.