Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pregnancy Update 37 weeks

I am now full term! I had an appointment again Thursday and weighed in at 129.6 which was about a pound more than last week. So far, that is 34 lbs overall! The doctor I saw this week said she thinks I will probably go around 39 weeks again, but added that if I went to my due date we could start talking induction. I told her I couldn't think that far ahead and we'd cross that road when we got to it. Secretly I was thinking I'll go forever before being induced since that usually doesn't turn out to be the easiest of labors. What I love about this is when the nurse was doing the pre checkup she asked if I'd been contracting and I told her I felt like I'd had one constant Braxton Hicks contraction all day she then said "Oh that could be a sign of pre-labor so you better be ready for her to come any day." What this tells me is everyone is clueless as to when this baby will show up but it makes them feel better if they give you an estimate! The doctor checked me and said I was still dilated at a one and am 50% effaced. I also had the group B strep test last week and found out at this appointment it came back negative. This was just one more thing to check off the pregnancy calendar. I did start swelling a little lately and it hasn't gotten too bad. The doctor even commented on how little I had swelled which made me feel good. She checked the heartbeat which was in the 140's and that was about the gist of it. I go again in another week so we'll see if there is much more to talk about then.

37 Weeks

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