Friday, June 15, 2007

Pregnancy Update Week 36

Well, I am now 36 weeks and officially one month away from giving birth! I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and weighed in at 128.8 lbs. I think this was a five pound gain from two weeks ago. I wasn't surprised considering I've felt a lot bigger lately. I had dilated one centimeter which means I could go into labor now or four weeks from now! I start going every week now so I guess we will officially go on "baby watch" soon. Last night I pulled out all the 0-3 clothes, blankets, and other newborn starters from storage. They made it all the way to the baby's room and I felt like that was good enough for now. My goal is to have the baby's room completely ready by next weekend or soon after. We are getting excited and trying to live each day as if it's our last as a family of three. I do feel a little swelling today so I'm sure that will only get worse over the next couple of weeks. I haven't started the true waddle yet, unless I've just gotten up after sitting for a long time! Other than that I feel healthy, happy, and full of boundless energy (OK, maybe scratch the last one off the list).

36 Weeks

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You are the cutest pregnant person I have ever seen! I'm glad you are still feeling so good. Consider yourself very lucky! :-) Hopefully Miss Georgia will come soon!