Saturday, December 15, 2007

Georgia over the last 37 days

So since the last time I blogged Georgia has turned another month old which is like a year for the rest of us. She is rolling all over the place, laughing, sleeping, napping, and just recently eating solids. At her four month month appt Nov. 15th she weighed 13lbs and 12 oz and measured 25.5 inches long. Katie Jo was a pound heavier and an inch and half shorter at this same point so we'll see how it turns out. We may have a cheerleader and a basketball player in the family.

Here's our little sweetie at the beginning of November. She's such a kissable baby even with the occasional smattering of drool.
She's such a sunny baby and seems to just take things as they come. She's not completely laid back though and tends to get a little testy if things aren't working out exactly the way she thinks they should.

I can't resist her in this hat. I know all the pics look the same but she is so darn cute in it!

One quirk she has is holding on to my ear when she on my hip. She literally wraps her little fingers around my lobe and holds on like it's a handle!

She celebrated her first Thanksgiving and unfortunately all she got was this cute onesie. She'll have to wait until next year for all the fixings!
My favorite time is when she wakes up in the morning and I peek over her crib. She'll see me looking at her and break into the biggest grin ever. Speaking of sleeping she has just recently gotten the hang of it. Since she was two months old she started waking up about every hour and a half to two hours. It has been exhausting. I'd finally had enough and about two weeks ago we decided to give her a chance to sort things out on her own. It took about three nights and she finally started working her way out of it. Now she goes to bed at 7 and sleeps until about 5:30. She usually will go back to sleep until 8. I will have to say we've been lucky in the nap department and she'll sleep about a hour and a half in the morning and then early afternoon. She'll round the day out will a little snooze around 4.
Here is the most recent picture of her from a couple of days ago. She's starting to look like the little girl I know she'll grown in to all too soon.

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