Saturday, December 15, 2007

Katie Jo over the last 37 days

Lots has been going on in the life of Katie Jo. Mostly she keeps us on our toes with her constant ability to out think and out smart us both. She is talking in pretty audible sentences now and is able to communicate most anything she needs to say. She has started singing with the Christmas season in full swing and mostly loves "Jingle Bells and Go Tell it on the Mountain." She is not yet potty trained and I could care less. I think after the holidays we'll give it a go.

Katie Jo loves playing on any kind of equipment. I figured this picture would give all the grands a heart attack. Such a big girl now!
And such a silly one too!
She loves our next door neighbors Emily and Jack. She and Jack play very well together and most afternoons find us all in the driveway or back yard having fun.
She is such a happy girl. I am amazed at how much she just enjoys life. She is so amazed when we see a school bus and everyday one passes our house at 4:30 so we try to get out there to see it. She loves, loves, loves to help. She likes getting the mail, turning on the tv, getting Georgia a clean diaper, picking up trash, flushing the toilet, and a host of other duties.
She is also a champion fit thrower if the cause is right. Mostly we disagree over what she eats, when she naps or goes to bed, when we have to change her diaper, when it's time to go in, stop playing, or clean up. Pretty normal stuff for a two year old. I'd say we're on a 90/10 scale with happy vs sad. Thank goodness joy rules majority!
Can I just say how silly she is. Not in a foolish way but in a real "I have a sense of humor" way. I found her one day just as the below picture shows and I couldn't help but laugh. She had no one to show out for so she just came up with this little scenario all on her own. She loves to laugh at silly things in books and sometimes I don't think what she's laughing at was meant to be funny but she finds laughter where ever it needs to be found.
Ah, what a good sleeper she is and she still manages to find ways to amaze us in her choice of landings.
Katie Jo loves sweets. She is a huge fan of cookies and dum dums. The treat that rocks her boat the most is ice cream!
Katie Jo has been in several performances this past month. The Sunday after Thanksgiving her preschool choir performed at the evening service. She was so excited when she spotted us in the audience.
Then the following Sunday she had her preschool choir Christmas performance. I need to mention that she doesn't actually sing but she looks sooo cute!

And then this past Tuesday Katie Jo had her Child's Day Out performance. When they sang "Jingle Bells" she shook her bell with lots of enthusiasm.

I mentioned in a prior post that Katie Jo loves to help us cook. Since she's started helping in the kitchen she has taken a new interest in her own toy kitchen and all the play food we have. She'll lay out a wonderful plastic spread for Jay and I to feast on and it almost always includes a hamburger made with bologna.

I mentioned that we disagree sometimes and one of our recent battles has been what she wants to wear. On a recent morning she decided she needed to wear a hat and gloves with her outfit to help me go get the morning paper. I didn't have a problem with this. The day she didn't want to wear a dress to church or pants to school was when we had to have special prayer time. I'm sure this is just the beginning.

To end this long post about our oldest is with the most recent picture I took. This captures everything she is without any words necessary.

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