Monday, August 18, 2008

Around my elbow to touch my nose

First of all, I used to teach.

Secondly, I had to take a class this summer to stay certified. I did this kicking and screaming but it paid off because now I can...

Substitute and make the larger amount because I'm a certified teacher. I decided to sub the first couple of weeks of school to have spending money for an upcoming trip. In about a week's time I found very low-cost child care, secured a assistant job in Kindergarten for the first 12 days of school, and got signed up with the district to sub. I am SUPER excited because the job is at my old school. I'll write more about that later.

So, because I am going to be getting up so early I had one more thing to take care of.

Backtrack about a month ago. Katie Jo started waking up scared at night. We would stay in bed with her until she fell back asleep but then she started waking up several times crying loud. It would wake the baby which was another story in itself so one night I just let her come to bed with me. Problem solved. So for the last month she wakes up at different times and crawls in bed with us. It hasn't been a big issue and some times she doesn't come in at all. BUT now that I'll be getting up so early I don't want to have all the night waking so we decided to try and break this habit. Last night before bed I talked to her about how if she woke up and it was still dark she had to stay in her bed. If she woke up and saw light then she could come get in the bed with us. I told her that if she came into our bed when it was still dark that we would walk her back to her room to put her in her bed. We talked about how everyone has their own space to sleep and that it was time for her to start staying in hers. Off to bed she went.

At about 11:30 I was watching the Olympics and out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure at the end of the hall. There stood Katie Jo with a sleepy face and she was trembling. I went to her and as I hugged her I realized she was soaked! She had wet the bed. It was awful. She was so traumatized and scared and embarrassed. I went to get Jay and he changed her bed. She and I went in the bathroom and she was so wet I had to run a quick bath to get her clean. It was awful. So of course, we had to put her in our bed because her mattress was soaked. AND to make matters worse her lovie, Daisy, was soaked and had to be washed. This just further agitated the situation since she hasn't slept without her in almost three years. So, needless to say it was rough. She finally fell asleep and at 4 o'clock I woke up to put her stuff in the dryer and then at 5 woke up because the baby was crying and got Daisy out of the dryer and put her in bed with Katie Jo.

So much for well-intended planning. I don't know how she'll do tonight. I'm afraid to put her in a diaper to sleep but I don't want this to happen again. I'm also afraid I going to have a time trying to keep her in her bed now. We'll see. Things have a way of working themselves out but I'm curious to see how long this one takes! :)

1 comment:

Amy Wallace said...

I am glad to know I am not the only one still dealing with this stuff! We will make it. When you have time fill me in on how to clean a mattress!