Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to me


Is that an old number? I don't think so. Now at sixteen it would have been an old number. But at sixteen I felt like world would probably end before now because I couldn't imagine getting "that old." Thankfully the world hasn't ended because I sure would have missed out on a lot of fun stuff! I love getting older, it means I'm a year smarter, a year wiser, and a year closer to figuring out who I am. Today I'm not just thankful for another birthday but I'm thankful for a great husband, two sweet girls, my family and my health.
The birthday overall was low-key. I got some sweet cards from family, candy and an itunes gift card from the hubby and girls, and a beautiful necklace from Mom and Dad. The girls and I went to the mall and met friends for lunch. They both took long afternoon naps which is a rarity around here and then Jay and I went out to eat tonight. My favorite part was that this was my first birthday that Katie Jo could understand and enjoy. I loved seeing how excited she got when I would tell her my birthday was coming up. She loved that I had gifts and cards to open this morning. I'm glad she has a spirit of giving and enjoys seeing others celebrate. All day she kept checking in with me saying, "Today is your birthday?" Maybe next year Georgia will have a better understanding of these things. Today she just concerned herself with when she would get to eat and that someone would hand her her sippy cup when she dropped it! :)


Kelly said...

Happy Birthday!!! 33 is NOT old! :-) I'm glad you had a great (relaxing day)!
Did I read somewhere that you are going back to work?

Amy Wallace said...

Happy Birthday to a great Mother and friend! I love this post! It made me smile!