Sunday, August 17, 2008

The week in review

Here are a few shots from our week around the house.
Katie Jo's cute dress in the below pic was made by Aunt Jessica. Georgia has a coordinating one that she should be able to wear in another couple of months.
It rained one evening and the girls enjoyed opening the window to listen and watch.
The girls petting our sweet dog, Baby.
Kayci and her crew came over one morning and brought their motorized jeep. Katie Jo loved driving Georgia around. Georgia LOVED riding in this thing!

That night at a surprising 7:45 I turned around and saw this. Jay put her to bed but she was back up at 9:15. So I popped a bag of popcorn, poured some lemonade, and we snuggled in the bed to watch the Olympics!

Katie Jo took this shot of Georgia and I. She is getting pretty good at the camera. Maybe a Christmas thought? I love how Georgia is looking at me with such amusement. It was probably because I was saying "Cheese" for about a full minute while waiting on Katie Jo to hold the button down long enough to get the shot.
Then I took a self shot of the eldest and myself. Katie Jo was being so sweet. She didn't just have her eyes closed, she was nuzzling the side of my face.

Katie Jo wanted me to get a shot of her pretending to sleep with her lovie "Daisy."

Friday nite Katie Jo and I sat on the front porch and did our nails. This was a first. I painted hers a pale pink color. She wanted to paint mine so I let her. Click on the one of my feet to get a true sense of her steady ability!

She took this one and I love how she accidentally got her feet in the photo.
This was from this morning before church. My grandmother made the girl's outfits! We might not live near family but they sure do spoil us with some cuteness!

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