Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Georgia's party

Georgia's second birthday party was a huge success! My mom and dad gave the OK to host it at their house so we could do a pool party. We invited all our upstate family and then some to the party and we appreciate the many that came. We swam, ate pizza, opened gifts, and enjoyed cake. It was the perfect kind of party. Georgia enjoyed herself and she loved opening the gifts and cards. Katie Jo was a big helper and we were very proud at how she let Georgia have "her" day. Thanks to everyone that came and made her second birthday so special!

Party Decor

Katie Jo is ready!

The birthday girl

Mommy and G

Mommy, G and Gran
Pop and Katie Jo


Jay showing out

The guest arrive

When do we eat cake?

Joni and Kat/Grandmother

Georgia and Aunt Linda

Wouldn't you like to know what Kat is saying behind that hand?

Mommy and Daddy with the birthday girl

I love this picture of my mama with Kat.

Georgia and Gran

The kiddie table

Goggle Girls

Isn't this just perfect? A whipped mom sandwiched in a Sponge Bob seat at the kiddie table drinking a Capri Sun. Kind of says it all about throwing a kids party.


Katie Jo was such a good helper!

Time for cake! G was a little wary of the fire.


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