Thursday, July 30, 2009

Well Check Ups

The girls have both had their well check up this month and I thought I'd combine the info into one post.
Katie Jo had hers a couple of weeks ago.
She weighed 33 lbs
She measured 37.5 inches
She had to get four shots which went over just as well as you can imagine. We still have to talk about them from time to time. She passed on all four year old test that they gave. They did an eye exam which was funny considering she's, well, four. But she did well naming the pictures she saw and has great vision. They also did the old school hearing test which I also found amusing. Big headphones, buzzer ringing, and hand raising. Just like I remember doing in 1980. Katie Jo didn't know what to do and I finally told the girl it was a waste of time. I deemed her hearing to be great since every time the machine buzzed I could hear it and she'd look at me!
She's thriving and we don't have any cause for concern.

Georgia had her check up today.
She weighed 24 lbs and 11 oz
She measured 34 and 1/4 inches
She got her finger pricked and one shot. She did well with both. We talked a lot about her behavior, eating habits, and sleeping habits. Georgia is getting a little picky with her food which is normal for this age and will pass. I told the doctor I cooked quite frequently and if they weren't willing to eat it I wasn't willing to make separate meals. She agreed and we moved on. I talked about Georgia still waking a night a couple times a week. Last night for example she woke at 1 and then again at 4. Both times she was crying and calling for me. I go in, pick her up, love her and then put her back down. This for the most part takes care of it and it's just separation anxiety. She loves her momma.

I think that bout cover it! :)

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