Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Georgia

July 2008
"Birthday Girl"August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009

July 2009
Little Georgia turns two today! She is just such a special girl and has grown so much in the last year. Her biggest growth has obviously been her hair! Her curls are something else and I always say it matches her personality, wild and woolly!
She has proven over the last year to have some distinct characteristics to her personality. She loves to laugh and gets tickled lately over silly things. She is very opinionated which is shown through her daily use of the word NO! She is a learner. She watches Katie Jo very closely and has learned so much, so quick. She likes to eat. She can consume quantities that would rival some grown men. She is a climber. We have found her on top of her dresser, in the sink, in the toilet, mastering stairs and has recently begun using a kitchen chair as a mode of transportation to get to the cookie jar.
She is trying desperately to communicate. We used some baby sign language with her early on and that helped some. She was verbal way earlier than Katie Jo and is now using two and three word sentences. I think this will be her biggest area of growth over the next few months.
She loves the water. She has always loved the bath and this summer has really enjoyed the pool and beach. She has even braved putting her face in the water.
She is fearless. She mastered many things early on like going up and down our stairs, opening drawers/cabinets, climbing out of her crib, opening doors, taking off her diaper, and hanging on tight when I push her high on the tire swing.
She loves her sister and she loves to push her buttons. They play well together and I am proud of that. Georgia loves to be in Katie Jo's room with her and they enjoy "hanging out" together. Katie Jo is good about including Georgia and protecting her.
Georgia is a good sharer. Let's see if this continues! :)
She isn't timid in front of a crowd. At our VBS family nite they let the kids go on stage for one of the songs and Georgia ran right up and did hand motions to the music.
She could care less about watching anything for very long. The first video she's shown interest in is the Wiggles.
She loves books and being read to. Her favorites right now are Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball, Goodnight Moon, I Love You Because You're You, The Poky Little Puppy, and anything to do with animals or flaps that she can lift up.
She loves animals but especially dogs. It's hard to go to a park or the beach and see one without her demanding to go pet it. She's very gentle and loves to pet their back while looking into their face.
She can throw a fit. Early on we noticed she'd show out when she didn't get her way. Back then it was through crying or some other way of protesting. That evolved into laying down on the floor and crying and now it's a very loud scream. We usually just ignore her and it doesn't happen in public very often, thank goodness! I think as she gets older and we are able to reason with her it'll subside. Right now I think she's just so focused on what she didn't get or what got taken away there's no room for reason! :)
She wakes up in a very good mood. She almost always greets me in the morning with a bear hug, and she's equally excited to get downstairs and find her Daddy.

I know that was quite a lot and most of it was rambling as I just typed what ever came to mind but I think it covers all the high points!

It'll be interesting to see how she develops this next year. If I had to predict I'd say Georgia is going to be loads of fun but a hand full!

1 comment:

The Hollis Family said...

Happy Birthday Georgia! It is so neat to get to see the kids grow up on your blog! Georgia is a cutie! Her personality reminds me so much of my Kara!