Tuesday, July 24, 2007

God bless Visa and automatic van doors

We had another adventure today by going to the grocery store. This was my first outing with both girls alone so thankfully the store is two minutes away and we only needed about 4 items. Katie Jo rode in the front of the cart and Georgia rode in the basket in her infant carrier. This didn't leave room for much else! We made it out alive and I was able to get all items. I am so thankful for the Visa card as I don't know how people did it back when you had to write a check. I also am grateful that our van has buttons to open the doors and back hatch. I'm sure we could have managed without these modern day conveniences, but it sure made for a much smoother trip!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

4 months later, I'm STILL struggling taking both of mine anywhere alone. I used to circle parking lots looking for spaces closest to the door...now I'll circle for HOURS to find a space right beside the buggy drop off!