Friday, July 20, 2007

Weekly pics

So as not to get too overwhelmed I've decided to just post pictures and get it over with. I have so many great ideas of how to organize several post with info but I know most people never read what I write anyway so I just threw all the recent pics together in one post and will put a little info with each one.

Here is Katie Jo on Sunday playing hopscotch in the driveway. She loves her new little sister and is happy to just get to hold her each day. Last night she kept going over to give her kisses and was very gentle. When the baby cries she says "sad" and points to the baby. If it's a loud cry she puts her hand over one ear and says "loud."

Here are the longest, skinniest feet we've ever seen. They are bigger in person and too cute to describe with words.

This one is titled "safari girl." Katie Jo loves her hats and this one is her new favorite.

I was able to get this shot before Jay left for work on our first day alone, which was yesterday. We survived.

Jay took this shot on Sunday. Georgia is already bigger. She had her first doc appointment on Monday and weighed in at 7-14. That was two ounces more than her birth weight so she is thriving!

This was from Monday nite. My mom went in to check on Katie Jo and found her in bed with her crocs on.

This is from Monday. Georgia loves sitting in her boppy best of all. Katie Jo loves lining up toys at her feet while she's sitting in it.

I'm sure it was gas but cute nevertheless.

Yesterday, my friend Brennan and her two girls came by for a quick visit. They are in town for a short period before moving away for a year. Katie Jo had fun playing with them and enjoyed making two new friends.

1 comment:

Amy Wallace said...

I do read your blog word for word! Even thought this was posted last week!!!! I lost the address and just got all my favorites back!