Monday, September 08, 2008


Well there's everyday, there are business days, and then there are school days. I just completed my 11th school day and I am glad to be done. Isn't that pathetic? I want to say upfront I overall enjoyed my situation, the teacher I worked with, and the children from my class but subbing for around three weeks straight wasn't exactly what I signed up for. This situation has taken a toll on my children and our home. I don't know how working moms do it. And I can say I really have no desire to go back into teaching full time if I can help it. I was subbing for a Kindergarten assistant so the work load wasn't exactly what I enjoy from day to day. I love teaching and I am excited to sub for regular classroom settings where I teach a lesson, read a book, play math games, or do science experiments. That's my cup of tea.
My schedule has been overwhelming these past weeks. Up at six, out the door at six thirty, home by three with the girls until Jay got home at six or after and then trying to get lunches packed, dishes cleaned, clothes picked out, and to bed by 10:30, at the latest. It's been a grind folks.
The girls have done so well with all the change but it was a bit like going from 0 to 100 in a second. Overnight they went from having me all day to barely at all. Poor Georgia was almost weaned from nursing and then this all happened. She would practically wrestle me to the ground to get my shirt off so she could nurse everyday since the sub job started. Let's just say this is a battle I'm not picking right now and we'll worry about it again in a month or so. Katie Jo's behavior has been wicked bad and I am finding it's a tug-a-war between her needing attention and me losing my patience more easily. They started at a new sitter and child's day out during the time I've been subbing.
I don't want to be a complaining Cathy about all of it so here were the positives:
seeing friends
hanging out with adults
classroom full of children
getting ready each morning in the peace and quiet
appreciating sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday morning
having a sense of accomplishment each day
I'd say having a paycheck is nice but since I haven't received one yet we can't use that one. I know when I get that first check I'll probably forget all my grievances.
I read a book once about the battle between stay-at-home moms and working mothers. It was interesting to read from both angles and the war that we wage against one another. Thinking we're better than the other and so forth when we're really all in it together. There's good and bad to each situation but I think the battle is when we think our good is gooder and our bad is badder than the other side. I've been given a small window into the other side now and I can see there is no clear answer for which situation is better. I love staying home with my girls. I enjoy it but sometimes I'm bored and feel like I'm not accomplishing much. Being at work I loved doing what is my God given vocation, what I'm passionate about and what energizes me but I also longed to be home playing in the backyard, coloring, building castles, or going to playgroups. I'm excited to continue subbing a few days a week. I look forward to keeping my foot in the door to education and making sure I don't loose my touch. I think I kind of got baptized by fire with this short term job and the next few months won't be so hectic.
And to leave things on a high note I have a word to share about Kindergartners. I haven't shared much, if at all, because I wanted to keep it pretty confidential since I owe them that. I have several funny stories I'll share with some of you I see in person but nothing for here on the world wide web. I will say I think Kindergartners as a whole can be summed up in one word: spontaneity. From the hugs, kisses, stories, behavior, movements, thoughts, sounds, and learning they all are spontaneous and there was never a dull moment.


Alli said...

Whew! You have been busy! So great to hear all that you have been up to. Hope to see you soon! Oh, the new pic of the girls on your blog header. So cute!

Amy Wallace said...

What an awesome summary of the struggle !!! I agree with the is whatever works best for you and your family and that is who wins!

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you!

Our Tiger Cubs said...

I think if you can have the best of both worlds then do it! But if one world collides with the other, put family first and you'll always be glad you did. Good luck! Aunt Jess