Saturday, September 06, 2008

First Day of School 2008

Georgia missed her first day of school on Tuesday due to being sick. By Thursday she was all better so off to Child's Day Out she went. I was a little sad to miss it but she'll never remember so I chalked it up as something to not spend time fretting over. Jay has to get the girls ready every morning since I've been subbing but he had a list for this particular day! The number one priority was to get pics and he did a fab job! Click on the photos to get a close up of Katie Jo's hair do with a bow no less!

Georgia had a great first day, as I knew she would, and her teacher wrote on her daily report that she loved music the most!

1 comment:

Amy Wallace said...

I am so proud of Jay!!! Not only did he get great pics but the hair looks fabulous! I am honestly really impressed!