Thursday, September 18, 2008

School Work

I read a tip one time suggesting that you should photograph your child's school drawings, artwork, and such since you can't keep everything. That way you don't have to feel guilty when you throw them in the trash. I do try to keep a few things for their baby books so it doesn't all go for naught. I decided to try and do this at the end of each week (or more) to document what the girls have accomplished. I added on the label "school work" and presto I have a way to go back and see their progress. I know most people will find it boring but I knew the grandparents might enjoy seeing the girl's work.

Obviously KJ is working on shapes.You'll probably have to click on Georgia's if you want to actually read them. I love how they noted that she didn't need paci or oscar! I send these two things only on the days Kayci takes them home so she'll have them for her nap. I told the teachers she couldn't have them otherwise. Kayci works at their preschool and Georgia's teachers asked her if she thought I'd mind Georgia getting them for about the last 30 minutes since that was when she got a little cranky. I wrote a note saying it was OK. Then they were proud she didn't need them. I found that funny.
I won't talk nearly this much for the future school work post!

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