Saturday, September 06, 2008

Great Lengths

Last weekend Georgia had a major diaper rash. Like open sores, blood red, kind of rash. So I got online to research some at home remedies and found some very interesting, but easy ideas. First she soaked in a bucket of water mixed with a couple of tablespoons of baking soda. I got the bucket idea from a post I'd seen with something called a tummy tub for babies. It's made in the Netherlands and runs about $40. I improvised with a oblong bucket that served the same purpose but much cheaper! Then after her soak in the bucket it was advised to dry her off save the diaper area which was to be blown dry on the cool setting with a hairdryer. This method was suggested by several mothers on different sites so I figured it was valid. In the end I really do think it was something that helped and she loved laying there while I blew the air on her bum. Finally, we applied a and d ointment which is wonderful and it isn't near as messy as most other diaper creams. The End. Rash be gone!

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