Saturday, July 14, 2007

A little update on our new addition

Georgia has now been home a whole day and a half and seems to adapting well to her surroundings. She's been opening her eyes more each day and taking it all in. So far we know that she likes for her hands to be up around her face, she likes to be wrapped tight and held close, and she is sweeter than a lump of sugar. Katie Jo likes her pretty well so far. She likes to hold her and will tell you by pointing to Georgia and then patting her legs. Other than that she mostly forgets she's there until someone new comes in and then she immediately runs to where ever Georgia is and points to her and says "baby." She's been pretty gentle with her so far and likes to check on her when she lets out little noises. We have no idea who Georgia looks like but see some similarities to Katie Jo such as the dark hair. Georgia has darker eyebrows and the longest feet we've ever seen on a baby. Her head is not as big as Katie Jo's was since she can wear the Clemson hat in the last picture that we could never squeeze onto Katie Jo's head. I am also adapting well to my surroundings. We've had my mom here all week and my dad came in yesterday. Between all of us some one is with one other person and no one is overwhelmed with too many! I am recovering very well and am feeling better every day. So far we're taking it one day at a time but I can already see how much faster it's going this time.


Amy Wallace said...

I am so happy for you all. After having 2 of my own recently I am still amazed at how much of a miracle childbirth is...I just gasped when I saw your sweet angel. What a blessing and I am so, so happy for you "4". All of our love,
Derrick, Amy, Noah and Sullivan

Kelly said...

Glad to hear that you are doing well too Mommy!

Alli said...

It was great seeing you at the hospital! I know you are going to adapt well to being a mommy of two. What a blessing!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Wow - she is beautiful. Amber you look absolutely incredible! (as always)
Jay - you look too proud, just as you should.
And dear Katie Jo - Georgia is so lucky to have you teach her the ways of life. Teach well little one - teach well!
I love you all and am so happy for you all!
All my love !