Sunday, January 20, 2008

Last night

We had an exciting evening out last night. My parents are here this weekend and with free babysitting available we went out on the town. First, we went to California Dreaming for dinner. We didn't get there until 8:30 so thankfully there was no wait. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and it was nice to have uninterrupted conversation. When we got in the car to leave we had the radio tuned to the coverage of the SC Republican Primary. They were declaring Sen. John McCain the winner and reported that his campaign headquarters was at the Citadel. We decided to head over there and see if we could get in. As luck would have it we did! Here I am outside of the main room where he gave his victory speech.
And here's Jay. I would like to point out how much better I was at centering the McCain sign in the background! :)
Here is Sen. McCain and his lovely wife, Cindy. It was a great speech and it was exciting to be witnesses to this moment in history.
As we were walking out Jay and I were approached by the Irish Public Radio representative. She asked Jay several pointed questions about his opinion of McCain, the race, and what the outcome of SC primary would mean. He did a great job and I was proud of how quick he was on his feet. All of Ireland should be impressed! She asked me a question as well. I might not have fared so well in the answer department but I managed to sound like I knew what I was talking about.
This is a picture of Jay and his dog, Duchess, when he campaigned for McCain back in 2000. Duchess is no longer with us but I'm sure if she was she'd be out there working hard on the campaign trail once again.Here is a video of McCain and his wife when they first came out. I love the Rocky music in the background. Stay tuned as I am trying to post a video from Fox news of his interview afterwards. We managed to strategically place ourselves behind McCain and Jay put me up on his shoulder so I could wave to the tv audience tuning in at home.


Kelly said...

Wow! How exciting! A date and an oppertunity to be famous! What a night!!! Good thing you took your camera! :-)

Anonymous said...

Cool experience but aren't you two Huckabee fans?? McCain is the next best thing for us as well if Huck doesn't make it! I wanna copy of that Ireland report. :) Cool pics and glad they let you in. Does make me wonder what kind of security is around a president-candidate that anyone can walk in without invitation or something at the last second. But cool that they are that accessible on the campaign trail, too.

The Browns said...

very cool!