Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year! A Day Late and Several Dollars Short.

Happy New Year from the Byars household. We had a great start to the new year with shopping, napping, and frying. I got to go shopping with my friend Kayci at the outlets yesterday and it was so nice to get out for awhile. When I got back I caught a 25 minute nap which was not long enough but nice nonetheless. Then last night we fried a pork loin and Jay concocted a corn dish that was delish. We put both children to bed and ate our feast. It was the first time in forever that I can remember eating a meal with just Jay at our own table in quite some time.
I'm not a resolver in the new year but I thought I'd come up with three for each person in our house that are very doable.

1. I will try to get the bobby pin out of my hair before Jay gets home each day. Having my bangs swept aside with this little brown contraption is convenient but not so attractive.
2. I will try to walk more. I was so diligent about this when I was pregnant but then I had a baby and the person I walked with broke her foot so that threw us off track.
3. I will try to go to bed earlier. I am so bad about staying up late doing nothing constructive and then complain about being so tired.

1. He will woodwork more. It is his new passion and he's very good at it. I think he may build our next house.
2. He will work out more. This is such a stress reliever for him and it is something he really enjoys but doesn't have time for.
3. He will get to go skiing this year. He wants so bad to find time for us to go on a vacation that revolves around skiing and I hope it can happen.

Katie Jo:
1. She will not give up her nap. I think she would really like to but I refuse to let it happen.
2. She will eat better. She has gotten into a bad habit (and we've let her) of snacking a lot. She loves peanuts and although they are not so bad for her she really does need to eat more veggies.
3. She will share with her friends and her sister. This will be a work in progress all year I'm sure.

1. She will sleep through the night more often. If she doesn't I'm sure to slowly go insane.
2. She will love all the new food she tries in the coming months.
3. She will try to stop drooling so much.

So there they are. Resolutions for 2008 are set and we'll be working hard to hold to them!


Kelly said...

I LOVE IT (especially Katie Jo and Georgia's!)!!! We're hoping (and praying) that Caroline doesn't give up her nap either!

Alli said...

I resolve to come visit my friend Amber sometime! ;)