Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Set, Run, Say "Cheese"

Here is the photo Katie Jo insisted we take as the below video shows. She saw us set up the camera and then all get in a family shot the other day, and now she knows I don't have to always be behind the lens. I was completely appalled at how messy the room looked so I cropped in close. I know I stay home and toys strewn about at least hints that we play during the day instead of watching tv while eating bon bons but it always looks worse through the camera! I guess if it can add 10 lbs. then it can multiply a mess! At least the basket of clothes beside Georgia was washed and folded!


Chessi said...

I know what you mean about a messy house! I am just impressed your hair is done and you have on jeans!!!

Kelly said...

That is a great picture of you and your girls!!
ps- Your house looks great to me! What's the point in cleaning up the toys until everyone's alseep anyway???