Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekend Update

This picture really does put our weekend into words. First of all, the space in which that chair is placed is where our Christmas tree was until Saturday evening. That's right folks, we just this weekend got our tree dismantled and put away. We still have most other Christmas decorations out so they'll slowly make their way into the attic this week. Secondly, the chair in which my husband and dog are lounging in is a recliner (or barka lounger as the box read) I bought with my Christmas money at Costco.
Let me pause for a second and sing the praises of Costco. If they held a contest for a design house based on the amount of items from their store as decor and furnishings then we'd be a solid candidate. To name a few, we own the following from this superstore: our dining room set, our mattress and sheets, the tv in our bedroom, the two dvd players we own, our phones, our printer, and countless other items in addition to the endless supply of coke, sprite, and propel waters that consume our fridge. I love me some Costco and I would urge you to get a membership asap! Moving on.
I am super excited about our new recliner (barka lounger) as it is so soft, rocks, kicks out, and lays back. After our Costco trip we came home for some much needed rest. After an afternoon of no naps from either child, a major meltdown, a very unsuccessful attempt at a relaxing walk, Lady and the Tramp, and mac and cheese dinner for KJ we put them to bed and sat down to the most gluttonous meal I've had in quite some time. Costco has a seafood sale on Saturday's. The tank is filled with lobster, shrimp, crab legs, and scallops among other oceanic treasures. I've never been brave enough to buy any of these items because I don't know how to cook them but I was feeling lucky so I purchased two crab legs. Only two? Yes, because they were not the usual spindly kind you'd get in a restaurant. They were colossal! A blind person would have known this since they rang up for $30. I was very successful at my first ever crab leg boil and I could've cried when I put the first piece of juicy meat in my mouth. Covered in real butter no less. We also bought filets thinking we'd be extravagant with a little surf and turf fare. Well, we didn't think those items alone would fill us so we added asparagus and potatoes. I wanted to take a picture since I felt it was a blog worthy meal but Jay discouraged me from documenting our over indulgence.
Today we went to church and when I went to drop off Georgia I found there was a room full of bouncing babies in the nursery. So, she traipsed off to Sunday school with me where she was passed around to people needing a baby fix. After church we put both children to bed and today they both slept. Thank you Lord! Katie Jo and I played in the yard this afternoon and then she went to choir. Jay and I went to big church and now we're settled in for the night.
It's been a very relaxing weekend of family fun and I'm off to lay in my recliner (barka lounger) and mentally prepare for the week ahead.


Chessi said...

I share in your COSTCO excitement. I LOVE THAT PLACE!!!! I seriously get butterflies in my stomach when shopping day approaches! Sad isn't it?

Amy Wallace said...

Amber I sense your excitement about your nap! I LOVE walking in the door from church with 2 exhausted babies from the hustle and bustle Sunday mornings bring. Hope to see you real soon!

The Browns said...

I love Costco too! We aren't members because we have no room to store the bounty of greatness, but as soon as we move, that's one of the first things I am going to do!

Don't listen to Jay. If you know it is blog worthy, take a picture! I would have loved to see that!