Thursday, January 17, 2008

Six month check up

We just got back from Georgia's six month check up and here are the results. She weighed in at 15-6 which was in the 50th percentile. She measured 26.5 inches which was in the 75th percentile and her head measured 17 inches which was in the 50th percentile. In comparison to Katie Jo at six months, Georgia weighs half a pound less and is an inch and a half longer. So it looks like Georgia is still on track to be a little taller than Katie Jo, but time will tell. She is doing all the normal physical stuff such a rolling around, sitting up for short periods, passing objects from one hand to the other, smiling, laughing, and raking her hands to pick up a toy. She is just perfect!


Kelly said...

She's growing up so fast! I can't believe it's been 6 months already!

Alli said...

What a sweetie! I'm glad she had a good check up.