Monday, February 18, 2008


That's all I can say to describe how I feel, AHHHHHHH! What a day! Where to even begin? First, let me give the disclaimer that I love Katie Jo with all my heart and she can be so funny and say such cute things, BUT after a day like today I might have sold her to a band of gypsies. What should have been a nice day at the mall with friends turned into a nightmare. And poor Georgia was so sweet and quiet. On the way home we even made the comment that you forget she's even there. Isn't that sad when one child takes so much of your attention that the other gets left behind? And the scary thing is that KJ used to be that sweet laid back baby. What would I do with two? Never leave the house. I am thinking it's high time to purchase the "Strong Willed Child" by Dr. Dobson. I gotta do something because my toddler is driving me crazy. At home she is fine and we can usually redirect her if she starts to throw a fit. I also can ignore her and not worry about stares. In public? No way. And it really wouldn't matter what I had to bribe her with either. She's one of those. I had a complete arsenal of treats with me today in preparation but it didn't matter. First off, she doesn't want to ride in the stroller. Fine, she's old enough to walk. No! She won't stay with me. We could be in Dillard's and I will let her out and the next thing I know she's crossed the mall and is in Belk's (this didn't happen, but I'm trying to prove a point). So what do you do? Leave her in the stroller? Let her flail about as she practically cuts herself off at the waist from the strap? Or let her walk and watch her disappear through the racks? Oh yeah, I have Georgia with me and my purse is attached to the stroller. It's like "Sophie's Choice." Which child do you sacrifice? So there you have it. I've got a real doozie on my hands and I can't understand why she does these things because she doesn't get away with it. I won't have it. For Pete’s sake, discipline was my strong point in teaching. I know, I know. This is not a classroom and KJ is not my student, but it's my responsibility to direct her and correct her and by God I'm doing that. Don't you love how I am having a conversation with you? That child knows no fear and the more tired she is the wilder she gets. I'm so embarrassed by her behavior sometimes and I feel like it makes me look like a terrible parent. Back around Christmas time I asked for Georgia to get a full night's sleep and low and behold it happened (although just a handful of times since then). Now I have a new prayer.
Dear Lord,
Let me have patience with my child and remember she's not yet three and doesn't understand why she has to sit still, ride along, not scream, not run, stay with me, or can't push Georgia's stroller without some assistance. Help me to not go insane when people tell me it's a phase since this is what I tell myself in order to make it to the next day. Please give me the wisdom to know how to handle each situation as if it's the first time and not the umpteenth time I've had to ask her to please hold my hand in the parking lot because there are moving cars that can smash you flat. I love my child Lord, and I want to see things through her eyes instead of telling to look me in the eye so I can explain what she's done wrong and how she needs to fix it.
God Bless and Good Night!


Amy Wallace said...

Honey I am one of the few that can Honestly say I know what you are going through...Strong willed toddler and "Baby" in tow. Can I say "shepharding a Child's Heart" has me more condfused than ever with this one. I want to beat the curls out of him sometimes but he makes me always feel so out of line when I get angry. He shivers and say's "mommy don't do that" but he still turns around and repeats the action that elicited my response. Poor Sulli is in the background saying "no no no" I love you Amber just know we will make it!

Kelly said...

I heard a radio clip today from Dr. Dobson that said that most parents know they have a strong-willed child by the time they are 18-36 months old, and some know at birth. We knew with Eli at birth and Caroline is revealing herself more and more every day! I know what you're going through!

Judy Johnson said...

Your dad remembers taking you to Wal-Mart with him quite a few years ago, stopping to talk to a friend and then suddenly hearing over the loud speaker "Carey Johnson, please come to customer service to pick up your lost child." It all happened so fast, he didn't even know you weren't still standing beside him!

We prayed over you a lot and look how wonderfully you turned out. :-)

Jenn said...

Girl, you sure do make me laugh out loud with your KJ stories. I know it's not as funny when you're in the middle of it. Sam never wants to sit in his stroller, but at least for now he's the only one I have to keep up with. It's amazing how quickly they go from compliant little one-year olds to opiniontated, defiant two-year olds and almost three year olds. Lordy!