Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekend News

The past few weekends have been so nice here in the Lowcountry and this one was the most relaxing yet. We spent Friday night on a family date at McDonald's. Katie Jo met up with her friend Reilly Kaye and her family and they had a great time playing. Saturday I went out in the a.m. after a terrific breakfast of pancakes, compliments of my husband. Then we got a ton of chores done while the girls napped in the afternoon. Afterwards, Georgia and I took a long walk around the neighborhood and then KJ woke up and we played inside. Saturday night Jay and I went to the SEWE (southeastern wildlife expo) soiree and had a great time with some friends of ours. I even ate fried gator tail! Today we had the most excellent weather. After church and naps the girls and I played and then went back for evening activities at church. It has been a great weekend and we got so much accomplished. For once, I feel stress free and not too overwhelmed at trying to get so much done this week! As I type the baby is asleep and Katie Jo is helping Jay in garage with a project he needed help with. Life is good!
Myself and Jay

Myself and Patience


Jay with Matt and ScottWe found a new use for the jump rope!Katie Jo had to try it out.

Yes, those are Georgia's little feet sticking up along with her noodle.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That sounded wonderful peaceful! Such fun! :-)