Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Boo on the flu

Well, it finally happened. I have the flu. I didn't feel great last night when I went to bed but couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. I slept something terrible last night and then this morning woke up with a fever and aches. After some ibuprofen I felt a lot better but not 100%. After a very uncomfortable nose swab at the doctor's office it was confirmed. God bless that man because he wrote a prescription for everyone in this house for tamiflu. So now we're all taking it and hopefully the girls won't get it. I don't feel terrible but it's just the worst to not feel like you can do it all. I did love the several naps I got today though!


Amy Wallace said...

So sorry you are sick...Mommy's aren't supposed to get sick huh? It takes too long to "catch up" Get better soon!

Kelly said...

Yuck!! You're my hero if you are taking care of them while you are sick!
Hope you feel better soon!