Friday, February 08, 2008

Upstate trip

Last weekend we traveled to the upstate for a visit. Saturday I got to do something I haven't done in FOREVER. Spend some time shopping by myself. I love to shop and it's usually for the girls which is easy when they're with me since no one has to use a dressing room. Shopping for me with the girls usually involves me picking stuff up, paying for it, trying it on once I get home and returning what ever didn't work. Not so fun. So I packed up and went to the outlets in Gaffney! I spent a whole five hours alone except for Jay meeting me for lunch. It would be too hard to explain what he was doing around that way so we'll leave it at him being in the area. I bought lots of nice things for myself using some Christmas gift cards and found some super sales in the children's stores. So no pics from that since they'd be of the Visa or Am Ex cards! We did get some pics of us before church on Sunday.

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