Friday, February 22, 2008

Week in Review

What a week it has been. There are so few things to tell but so many things that happened. It's been one of those hectic weeks filled with ups and downs. As I sit here on this Friday nite I am hoarse but am so thankful to be healthy. It seems everyone around us has dealt with colds, flu or worse. We have been blessed. I posted about our disastrous trip to the mall and thankfully since then we've had more better days than not. On Wednesday I took the girls to the library. I am going to make an effort to do this more often. Katie Jo enjoyed picking out books and we came home with several. We picked a special "Library" basket to keep them in in her room and believe it or not she has been careful they always get put back in it. We found a great book about piggies having manners and it has been very helpful in some sticky situations this week. Yesterday when I picked Katie Jo up at school her teacher informed me she had sat on the potty twice and tinkled. I was very excited. We may be on our way to "underware land." Last night I went to Bunko and it was a much needed break to laugh and be carefree. It has been rainy here the last couple of days so today we were getting cabin fever and decided to head over to Chic fil A for lunch and some time on the playground. Hopefully things will be sunnier tomorrow all around. I did read an article in the paper this week about a local student who scored a 2400 on the SAT. After I asked Jay how in the world 1600 turned into 2400 and was informed there is now a writing section I read the caption and realized I taught this child. He was in my fourth grade class. I didn't even recognize him and was so shocked at how much he's grown. He is still only a junior but has hopes to attend Duke. So cool!
Here is Katie Jo and me one night before bed when we were having a tickle fight. This was when she didn't want to have her picture taken.
Little Georgia never cares if I take her picture.

Katie Jo is showing off. She loves to climb into the crib and throw all the animals out. It's kind of like a reverse Noah's Ark.
Mommy and her two girls.
Not the greatest picture of the two of them, but they can't all be Lebowitz caliber.
This is a picture of the big girl after her potty efforts at school.
She's such a helper. She was dying to help me vacuum. There will be a day when I have to beg her to do it so I might as well document this now.

1 comment:

Amy Wallace said...

2 beautiful little girls!!!! Glad your week improved!