Thursday, February 07, 2008

Mia's visit

After Jay got back from his golf trip on Saturday we took Katie Jo out to a jump castle place so she could have some fun outside of the house. For a two and half year old she amazes me with her agility and courage. She was climbling, sliding, and jumping with the best of them. She had such a good time and when the hour was up she was begging to stay!
Sunday morning was church as usual. Here is a picture of the girls in cute dresses made by Aunt Jessica. They are two peas in a pod and ready to roll. After we got back from church Mia had arrived along with Aunt Joni. After lunch we headed downtown to the Citadel so Mia could see the campus along with where Joni works. Joni showed us around and we were lucky enough to get into McAlister Field House to take a look around. It was a most beautiful Charleston Sunday and everyone had a great time.

I would like to just point out that even here you can see Jay is checking me out!
The one was taken Monday morning before Mia left for the upstate. Heaven forbid we take a picture without all of Disney and Seseme Street's finest!

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