Wednesday, September 10, 2008

14 Months

Little Sweetie, AKA Georgia, is fourteen months today! I wanted to devote a little update just to her. She is currently sporting ten teeth (four on top front, two front bottom, and all four molars). She is quite the eater still and is eating more whole food instead of having it torn into small bite size pieces. She loves noodles, bread, and goldfish. We'll probably introduce the spoon soon since she seems to have quite good coordination.

Georgia is still nursing a couple times a day but thankfully not during the night! I think we have finally passed the hurdle of night waking. She goes to bed at 7 and is usually up at 7:30. Every once in awhile she'll wake one time during the night but it's getting to be less and less.

Her personality is definitely shining through and she's not a shrinking violet! When she wants something she'll let you know and when she doesn't get her way she'll fall to the floor very dramatically and give a frown face! She is also becoming more vocal but still the only word with association is Momma.

She has started hugging and it's so sweet to have her wrap her little arms around my neck and squeeze. She points a lot now so that helps her communicate a little more clearly. She loves to watch Katie Jo and I can tell she's learning more and more through her. That's good and bad!

When she sees us come to her with shoes she sits down and lifts up a tiny foot! She also loves to be chased and she's something to watch trying to run with her little legs. She still looks so much like a baby and people are always shocked at what she's capable of physically. She has lots of tickle spots on her belly and neck and I love to get her laughing. She also likes to bring me things and say thank you then hand them back to start all over again.

I guess that's about it even though I'm sure there are a billion other little things I could mention.


Michelle said...

She already has all of her molars? Man...she is ahead of the gang! Can you believe how fast they grow up! She is so cute, both your girls are!

Judy Johnson said...

This has got to be the sweetest little girl ever!