Saturday, March 01, 2008

Just you and I

So, this weekend we were supposed to travel to the upstate but due to my recent tangle with the flu those plans were called off, almost. Jay decided since I was feeling well enough to handle Georgia on my own he would take Katie Jo and visit with family. They had a great time and I'll post more about their visit later.
Georgia and I were left to our devices and boy did we live it up! I had forgotten how totally boring it can be to bum around the house with a baby. I was glad for the break from answering multiple questions, trying to reason, compromising, and all else that goes along with a two and a half year old but I quickly realized you can only sit on the floor for so long and make funny faces. I came to appreciate how much Katie Jo entertains Georgia. I'm sure Georgia missed her big sis too! I was feeling lots better so we made one quick trip to JC Penny to pick up pics and then swing by Chick Fil A for a little lunch to go. She took a glorious two hour nap in the afternoon and after that time flew by. Before I knew it our day together was over and I couldn't believe how few words I had said. My favorite part was when I put a fuzzy hat on her head, bundled her up in a blanket and we went out on the front porch to swing. Georgia loved looking around at all the nature and it was so peaceful.
Jay and Katie Jo came back late last night and this morning I was very glad to see them. Georgia was especially happy to have her sister back!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh those were the days, weren't they!? It's funny how we thought we were soooo busy when we only had 1 child. Someone once told me, "you don't know a mother's job until you have 2!"