Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another milestone reached

Yesterday, we moved Katie Jo from a semi big girl bed to an official big girl bed. She loves it and I love getting to finally use her comforter. She did very well sleeping in it last night! The dogs loved being able to hide under it. If you look close enough you can see a very little part of Lexi paw sticking out!


Judy Johnson said...

I have to comment on the family history of these beds. First, they belonged to Hubert (Pop's uncle). Then they were Pop's beds when he was a mere lad still living with Mama & Papa. They moved to our house and became Uncle Brian's first big boy beds. He slept in one or the other of them until he left for college. Then they went to college with Amber. One of them sported an Americana theme in Amber's & Jay's first guestroom until the first grandchild (Lexi) ate the comforter and mattress.

(The one who remembers EVERYTHING...except where I put my shoes!)

Alli said...

I have to tell you that I was at Publix tonight with Ava Love and Tate and all of a sudden Ava looked at me and said, "Mama, I know what...when I lose my first tooth, I'm gonna give it to Katie Jo."
So random, but sweet.

Kelly said...

Caroline is moving to her big girl bed pretty soon (whenever we finally move into the rock house), and Eli is moving to the toddler bed...scary for mom!!!
KJ is too cute!